Saturday, September 30, 2017

DAY 3- BONUS!!! Lonkot and the northern lights.

 We arrived at Lonkot Rural Resort at about 4:30 in the afternoon after a pretty taxing day of driving through some pretty horrible weather. We hadn't bothered to really stop anywhere to eat so we both were pretty weary and hungry. Our host was instantly one of the nicest people we met on our trip and showed us to our room immediately and as she left inquired if we would be dining with them in the restaurant, we decided to and made reservations for 6. She reported that would be having lamb and hopefully cod if the boats arrived in time to deliver fresh fish to her. This is how fresh Icelandic food generally is, we learned that while it may be expensive its quality and flavor generally make it worthwhile. 

After dining on what would be the best meal we had in Iceland, fresh lamb with a blueberry sauce, potatoes and delicious salad for me and cod in a bearnaise and potatoes and salad for Lora, we asked our extremely nice host if there was a chance of seeing the northern lights, since the weather was fairly clear. She replied more than likely not in the levelheaded way Icelander's tend to respond to things. So we went back to our room a little dejected that we would likely not see northern lights this entire trip as we would be in area's with too much light generally after this stay. I consoled myself by taking some photos of the sunset and we planned to take some star photos after dark if it was clear enough.

The fjord was beautiful and sunset took a long time due to being this far north so twilight lingers longer than at our latitude. Finally around 930 at night Lora went to check if stars were visible and came back in and said she could see the northern lights, I jumped up and ran outside and they were visible but weak due to the moon and the farm lights. We went back inside for a while and around 10, I went back out and the moon had set and the northern lights shined brightly across the Fjord, I grabbed the camera and here are some of the shots we garnered. One thing I will say, no photo compares to seeing them in real life, I now know that to be the absolute truth.

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